Woman Sets New Guinness World Record with 16 Tattoos of Eminem on Her Body

Woman Sets New Guinness World Record with 16 Tattoos of Eminem on Her Body

One Eminem fan is taking Stan to a new level. A 35-year-old resident of Scotland named Nikki Patterson has received her 16th tattoo of Slim Shady.

BBC reports the woman’s 16th tattoo has broken the Guinness World Records for the highest number of tattoos of one musician on her body.

On her Instagram, CrazyEminemLady, she shared a post that highlights all the ink for Shady, stating that her love for the rapper came ironically with the single “Stan.”


“I heard ‘Stan’ when I was 14 and had never heard anything like that before,” she told the BBC. “It blew me away. The portraits began three years ago, and I loved everything about them. I adored them and had to get more. he’s been the one constant in my life, and I have seen him perform live.”

You can see her tats below and I’m sure this is a better fan experience for Eminem than this one.