Heading into this season, it was quite clear that the Brooklyn Nets would be a better team than the New York Knicks. The Knicks have been an abysmal franchise for decades and when they lost out on Kyrie Irving and , it was clear that they would be in for a rough season. Last night, things got a lot weirder as there . The dispute was carried over into today when the Knicks posted a photo Lee shaking hands with owner James Dolan.

Not ones to pass up a good trolling opportunity, the Brooklyn Nets took to Twitter where they posted a photo shaking Spike Lee’s hand. The caption said “what’s this about a handshake photo?” which must have sent Knicks fans and their owner into a tizzy.

Nets Hilariously Troll Knicks With Kevin Durant & Spike Lee Photo


Unfortunately, the Nets deleted the post and now, all we have is a screenshot. It’s a pretty sad state affairs when you consider how perfect a shot it is. We don’t know why the Nets deleted the post although it’s probably because they didn’t want any sort public relations disaster to follow suit. 

While the deletion is sad, at least we will forever be left with the memories what we had.