Smeethan Crafts Music From The Sounds Of Nature In “Soul Symphony”

Smeethan Crafts Music From The Sounds Of Nature In “Soul Symphony”

Smeethan, an emerging artist who defies genre conventions, recently released a track titled “Soul Symphony” that pays homage to the exquisite splendor of the natural world. With his distinctive style he delivers acoustics that rely on wildlife sounds rather than human voices, aiming to instill a feeling of tranquility and awe in his audience. Through his songs, the musician hopes to prompt listeners to acknowledge the essential role that nature plays in our existence and inspire them to protect it.

The singer-songwriter’s music is deeply informed by his personal connection to nature, which has had a profound impact on his creative process. Amidst the ceaseless barrage of information in our technologically-centered world, Smeethan turned to the tranquility of the natural world to find solace and inspiration. His goal is to evoke a sense of appreciation and reverence for the Earth through his music, motivating his listeners to take action to preserve the planet and treat it with care.

In “Soul Symphony,” Smeethan fused drums, bass, and synth notes with organic sounds to create a dynamic and entrancing rhythm and melody. His vision for the piece extends beyond just sound, aiming to captivate listeners by engaging all their senses. In the music video, he skillfully weaves in natural phenomena, such as waterfalls and rain, to heighten the emotional impact of the song and create a truly immersive experience.

His latest release is a stunning tribute to the natural world, inspiring listeners to cherish and safeguard Mother Nature. What sets Smeethan’s music apart is his distinctive approach to composition, seamlessly blending natural sounds with conventional instruments, resulting in a mesmerizing and poignant musical experience, exemplified in tracks like “Soul Symphony.”

Watch the Official Visualizer on YouTube:

Listen to “Soul Symphony” here: